On Page SEO strategies

Have you been in the SEO world? It does not matter the amount of time you have been around, you definitely know the basics of SEO. One of the strategies to use in optimizing your site is on-page. Here, you will find the various on-page strategies at your disposal to improve your site ranking. It does not matter if you are an SEO veteran or not, by the time you are done with reading the article, you will be able to go about on-page optimization.

First, you will need to search for synonyms using search engines, Google most probably. Google is the best option because you get to see the synonym options available, plus how they are doing on your competitor’s page. By the way, do not be blown off, synonyms in this case are what are typically referred to as keywords. There are several strategies to use in narrowing down to the phase you need (+) or you don’t want (-). You need to include the symbols in brackets respectively. Then insert the phrases generated naturally into your content to create a smooth read.

Second, link your site to high authority sites. High authority sites, just like high authority persons are in your CV, give your site credibility for trusted content. However, the main question is; what is a high authority site? While it might be hard to define a high authority site, some of the characters of such a site include low bounce rates, high time spent on the site, and high traffic. The measure of a site’s authority is the PR. A link from such sites tells the search engine robots that your site can be trusted for the authority site to link.

SEO Strategies

Third, you need to pay attention to the science of sentiment search signals. As a strategy to rank sites, search engines especially Google is adopting a new strategy of using sentiments. What are these? There are various responses gathered from site visitors. The parts to pay attention to in order to rip the most out of sentiments include reviews, content, context, and personality. To do this effectively, you will need a sentiments analysis tool.

Fourth, ensure there is fresh content on your website. This is best done if you are running a blog. You will need to post new content constantly. If it is your landing page content, there is no harm to update or rewrite it every now and then. Fresh content tends to increase traffic to a site with frequent content updates. With the increased visits by Google, the site will develop trust for quality and credible content, exactly what you want, right?

Fifth, Dublin core metadata elements will work to improve your on-page SEO. This is a strategy that started in Dublin, OH, and targets the future of the web: semantic web. The theory behind this concept is; search engines regard content with Dublin core metadata as one taking into consideration the requirements of a given search, hence regard it as authority content.

Even though this is not an exhaustive discussion, it surely provides a head start to on-page SEO.